About Elena Ruxandra pharmacies

Elena Ruxandra Pharmacy is a pharmaceutical chain that operates in Arges County, with 11 offices, both in urban and rural areas.

Elena Ruxandra Pharmacy is constantly concerned with the preparation of master prescriptions based on a formula established by the doctor and addressed to a specific patient, the preparation of official prescriptions, but especially of their own prescriptions that treat certain diseases. The pharmacy chain Elena Ruxandra delivers medicines based on prescription or over-the-counter prescriptions, offers cosmetic care advice and offers patients medication advice.

The challenge

Having 11 work points, Elena Ruxandra pharmacies need a better control over the activity. There was a lack of a unique product nomenclature for easy analysis, and last but not least, for the accuracy of the information in the reports.

The pharmacy used a software system that did not provide enough reports to managers, so that they had a much clearer picture of the business.

Another reason why the pharmacy wanted a change is the desire to use a Business Intelligence platform interfaced with the retail application and other applications already used.

The managerial and analysis reports, made available to the management through the DataKlas BI application, represented an important aspect in choosing the software solution provider. Following a detailed analysis of the pharmaceutical chain Elena Ruxandra, the management chose to keep the financial application used, thus needing modern and flexible software solutions with interfacing capabilities. At the same time, the support that the pharmacy received was not in line with the dynamics of the work points, an aspect that generates sales losses.

De ce DataKlas

  • Ofera un control managerial total asupra punctelor de lucru prin modulul Head Office
  • Include nomenclatoare unice pentru intregul lant – produse, furnizori, clienti – structurate ierarhic
  • Cuprinde modulul de politici comerciale – politici de discounturi, reduceri si promotii
  • Integrarea tuturor solutiilor DataKlas
  • Ofera suport real si rapid pentru setari / listari / modificari contracte, furnizor, produs, brand, categorie, ierarhie, producator, setari de pret, 24h/7 zile
  • Constructia platformei si ultilizarea celor mai noi tehnologii


Investitiile noastre in acest business si extinderea la 11 puncte de lucru au fost urmate de alegerea unei solutii performante de gestiune a farmaciilor. In plus, era necesara si o solutie BI, care sa ofere managerilor acces in timp real la date si posibilitati nelimitate de analiza si raportare. Echipa HTSS ne-a furnizat suita de solutii DataKlas BI si Pharmaceutical, reusind sa raspunda tuturor nevoilor noastre. Acestora li se alatura calitatea ridicata a serviciilor de suport, orice problema fiind foarte rapid solutionata 24h/7 zile.”, a declarat Dna. Antonela Panescu – Responsabil Head Office, Farmacia Elena Ruxandra


Registration of medical documents: compensated and free prescriptions, uncompensated prescriptions, etc.

Maintenance of the patient database and loyalty cards

Real-time reporting of services to the Single Integrated Information System (SIUI)

Pharmacy support very fast, 24h/7 days

Reporting and settlement with the National Health Insurance House (CNAS)

Operational reports and decision management reports, using the Business Intelligence module

Using a unique nomenclature