About Unica Pharmacy

Farmacia Unica (Unica Pharmacy) is a regional pharmaceutical chain that operates in the cities of Galati, Braila, Tecuci, as well as in the rural area of Galati and Vrancea counties.

The main objective of Unica Pharmacy is to offer patients services and products at the highest quality standards, constantly ensuring extra care and value for each individual. Unica Pharmacy is an affordable, friendly pharmacy, a reliable partner that its customers can always turn to, with confidence!

The challenge

The need for a fully integrated system, the desire to have control over the business and to be able to offer quality services to all patients were the decisive factors in choosing the DataKlas solution. The inventiveness of Unica management was from the very beginning a challenge for HTSS because the transposition of ideas into application involved analysis, development and testing.

Why DataKlas

DataKlas Pharmaceutical is the ideal application for pharmacies and pharmacy chains, as it offers all the necessary functionalities and covers all the flows of this business. The Retail, Warehouse and Business Intelligence modules ensure the full coverage of Farmacia Unica’s activity.

The DataKlas application, developed and implemented by HTSS, was chosen by Farmacia Unica due to the multiple functionalities it offers:

  • Centralized activity management – general and nomenclature settings
  • Defining the working points settings / listings / contract modifications, supplier, product, brand, category, hierarchy, manufacturer, price settings
  • Module for commercial policies – policies of discounts, discounts and promotions
  • Module and functionalities offered for attracting and retaining customers
  • Ensuring quality control
  • Real support 24h/7 days
  • Implementation of all processes
  • Reporting to the National Health Insurance House (CAS)
  • Online checks with the Integrated Single Information System (SIUI) and with the Electronic Prescription Information System (SIPE)
  • Head Office module that offers total managerial control over work points
  • The information has immediate effect in all the work points rounded at the central base

“We chose the suite of DataKlas Pharmaceutical, Wholesale and BI applications provided by HTSS because we wanted an integrated system for better control over the business. DataKlas comes with a plus on basic functionalities, such as those in the sales process where we can choose the product according to the score generated by the margin. We also now generate and update any type of report using DataKlas BI. Not to be ignored would be the support department that manages to respond quickly and solve the reported situations. I confidently recommend HTSS and the applications they provide”, said Mr. Flavius ​​Ertagan – Administrator, Unica Pharmacy

“Our investments in this business and the expansion to 11 working points were followed by the choice of a high-performance pharmacy management solution. In addition, a BI solution was needed to provide managers with real-time access to data and unlimited analysis and reporting capabilities. The HTSS team provided us with a suite of DataKlas BI and Pharmaceutical solutions, managing to meet all our needs. They are joined by the high quality of support services, any problem being solved very quickly 24 hours a day”, said Ms. Antonela Panescu – Head Office Manager, Elena Ruxandra Pharmacy


Unique product nomenclature

Order suggestion for supplying pharmacies

Sales recommendations

Health card integration

Maintenance of the patient database and loyalty cards

BBD changes

Strict records for damaged, stolen or destroyed goods

Consumer vouchers and consumer voucher returns

Registration of medical documents: compensated and free prescriptions, uncompensated prescriptions, etc.

Import of nomenclatures from CANAMED and MEDEX

Real-time reporting of services to the Single Integrated Information System (SIUI)

Downloading the statement and the electronic invoice in relation to the National Health Insurance House (CAS)

Checking the stock of products in the application (checking products in the nomenclature, inventory corrections, stock correction, supplier note credit, supplier approval return)

Introduction of the forward payment

Information with immediate effect in all work points rounded at the central base

Integration with other used applications (DataKlas Wholesale, DataKlas BI)