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“Împreună facem bine” campaign, organized by Televiziunea Română and Crucea Roșie Română.

In recent times, many communities in Romania faced the devastating impact of floods, leaving countless individuals and families in urgent need of assistance. In the spirit of solidarity and mutual support, htss proudly joined the “Împreună facem bine” campaign, organized by Televiziunea Română and Crucea Roșie Română.

Through this partnership, we worked together to make a significant difference in the lives of those affected.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our team and the broader community, we successfully gathered and distributed essential support to individuals impacted in the counties of Galați, Vaslui, Argeș, Bacău, Iași, Neamț, and Timiș.

The TVR courtyard was transformed into a bustling collection point, where our employees and supporters brought in much-needed items. Additionally, many of our colleagues contributed financially to the campaign, allowing us to extend our reach and provide vital resources to those in need.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in this initiative. Your incredible generosity and solidarity made a profound impact, showing that together, we can truly make a difference in the lives of affected families.

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