Industry Context
Hospitals in Romania face major challenges in effectively managing the working hours of medical staff. Compliance with legislative rules, fair allocation of shifts and management of leave requests are essential to ensure continuity of patient care.
At the same time, it is important that staff are satisfied with their shift planning and have flexibility with regard to leave and personal events.
- Each head nurse spends an average of 3 days per month to build the shift schedule for her teams of nurses, nurses and caregivers.
- Equitable distribution of night and weekend shifts so that staff are remunerated balanced and satisfied
- Laborious planning work, which must take into account a number of requirements and restrictions imposed by the Labor Code, the Ministry of Health and the RUNOS department
- Collection of grievances, leave requests to be centralized

Our Solution
Shiftin was the adopted solution for digitizing and automating the process of scheduling medical shifts in the hospital. This platform has significantly improved the way shifts are organized, enabling fast and efficient management of leave requests and automated scheduling that complies with legal regulations.
Our Solution
- Economisirea timpului: Operarea manuală a graficelor cu turele de lucru, care înainte dura câteva zile, este finalizată în maxim o oră.
- Remunerația echilibrată a personalului angajat: Personalul beneficiază de o distribuție echilibrată a turelor de noapte și weekend, ceea ce duce la o remunerație corecta a personalului angajat.
- Eliminarea conflictelor generate de alocarea preferențiala a turelor de zi, noapte si de weekend prin transparentizarea criteriilor de planificare
- Eliminarea riscului de eroare umană prin automatizarea calculelor.
- Vizibilitate asupra perioadelor de concediu solicitate sau aprobate si control in asigurarea continuității serviciului din spital. Prin digitalizarea procesului de adăugare si aprobare a cererilor de concediuangajații își adaugă cererile direct în aplicație.
- Respectarea normelor legislative: Shiftin asigură că toate graficele respectă normele legale în vigoare.
Shiftin has revolutionized the way “Marie Skłodowska Curie” Hospital plans shifts, contributing to a more efficient and fair working environment.