On the mindclass platform, private companies are asking for video courses with AI (artificial intelligence) integration, 360-degree environment made through photos of real units and virtual 3D experiences where employees get familiar with various production or lab equipment.
The academic environment is interested in transforming classic courses into a video version, one that is more interactive for learners.
The mindclass e-learning platform uses interactive videos to provide courses to employees. mindclass targets both companies and universities, generating educational video content using artificial intelligence.

“mindclass provides customers with a library of more than 600 courses in SCORM format covering a wide range of areas in both business and academia, such as Communication, Personal and Professional Development, Finance, English, Management and Leadership, Marketing, Microsoft Office, Project Management, Human Resources, Customer Service, Digital Transformation, Sales and Negotiations,” says Petru Teodorescu, Software BD Director at htss, the company that developed the platform.
The e-learning platform is useful for employees working in areas where they need to regularly attend specific courses, need to obtain certain accreditations within the company or from specific accreditation institutions, such as pharmacists, notaries, and teachers, but also for employees who need to periodically prove their employees’ training in HSE or PSI. For private companies, the most popular are video courses with AI (artificial intelligence) integration, 360 environment courses using photographs of real facilities and virtual 3D experiences where employees get familiar with various production or laboratory equipment.
“There is also an increased interest in compliance (SSM – work protection), Excel or soft skills courses that train employees’ communication, feedback, teamwork and wellbeing tactics. There is an openness on the part of universities to transform the classic courses into a video version, which is more interactive for learners,” says Petru.
Learners are evaluated at the end of the courses and can get grades. Evaluation criteria, grades and certifications are agreed in advance with the company so that each course can be configured individually.
“Assessments are usually done at the end of the chapter and at the end of the course and can even be integrated into the learning flow, including during video materials. Grades and certifications are generated by the platform after analysing the learners’ performance,” says Petru Teodorescu.
Source: ziarulfinanciar.ro